Munro Enterprises Pamela Munro's various endeavors - artistic (drama, music, writing) and business (writing and teaching)

Friday, February 26, 2010 :::

Checked out & she has a blog, too - & I am in one of the pix of the beta Boomer exercise session -

That's me doing a proper spinal twist, so you can't see my face! Great form, tho. (That's me in black in the middle of the back row....) Ah! If every day could be so productive. What a wonderful atmosphere on what turned out to be a set.

Well, Sat. I am going to get my pix taken for the Med3 Skin Care Trial I am participating in - no $ (how typical) - but hundreds of dollars worth of skin care - The quality is so high, that I am going to be very spoiled once it runs out! Love the whitening cream for evening out the freckling I have from sun exposure on the boat. (That's with sun screen & all!)

Have to do more yoga - either home or find a class - altho doing research I discovered that unbeknownst to me, I have included basic yoga moves recommended for seniors into my daily routine! So I am more limber than I think. The best is the Cat - keeping my spine flexible - Gotta keep the spine flexible! I do that in bed every morning.

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::: posted by pamela at 5:24 PM

Thursday, February 25, 2010 :::
Ok, I am a star f**ker - but I DID exercise with Jane Fonda in person yesterday - From Craigslist - who knew? Jane commented that they had had a hard time getting people to come to test the Boomer exercise program - & we were taped & signed releases - but the workout was great - & it's good to be on a set - & just to watch such a pro at work. (She was interviewed by Entertainment Tonite & People while we were there.) It's also said that we will get copies of the workout (the one with us?) & maybe lead to more....Good to blog/tweet about, no?

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::: posted by pamela at 11:57 AM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 :::
Hello, I am BACK - going to talk about what's up - book reviews, etc.

Note: Was just given a very nice ocarina by Darryn Songbird (of Songbird ocarinas) to play with & see if I can become a virtuoso(a) - HMMM I am practicing. Still think that it's easier to play with real musical notation with the fingerings on top (as I learned on the clarinet), as then you learn BOTH the fingering AND the note on the scale - so you can read any sort of music. Also, I think this ocarina is perfect for Native American music - just the right sound & MUCH less expensive than those Flutes which I HAVE coveted. Having a lot of fun & it hangs around your neck, so you can play it when you are seated at the keyboard, waiting for your computer to catch up! Will keep you all posted

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::: posted by pamela at 1:30 PM


Pamela Munro's various endeavors - artistic (drama, music, writing) and business (writing and teaching)

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