Munro Enterprises Pamela Munro's various endeavors - artistic (drama, music, writing) and business (writing and teaching)

Saturday, January 04, 2003 :::
2003 starts with intimations of activity. Pamela helped host the photographer Peter Brown's Open Studio in December ( a glittering Hollywood evening), where she talked a lot with John Parcher, whose independent film has finally gotten a distributor and gotten interest from German TV. John is now discussing with Pamela being in his upcoming new project NOW.

Pamela is seeing the folks at the Rubicon Theatre in Ventura about appearing in their upcoming production of STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE. (No ,not as any character you know, but as the neighbor, Eunice. Is that where Carol Burnett got the name of her character?) She's also working on a scene with her friend Jody Lee Olhava for a showcase in later January.

Jody(who's also working on a children's film project) hosted a party at her house in Echo Park that was like a reunion of the SAG/AFI Conservatory at which they spent so many years - for the departure of Corinne Kason for the San Francisco area. (Pamela sang with Corinne in the Papal Choir 'lo these many years ago and appeared in several plays with her at the St. Ambrose Genesius Society, a 99 seat theatre, where Pamela functioned as artistic director and associate producer for almost 10 years.) Bob Beecher, actor (DICK TRACY), teacher and long-time conservatory person was also there.

Pamela has just discovered that she has been included in a recent book about making a career as an actor in L.A. - ACTING IS EVERYTHING - and even recently got a call from a persistant and enthusiastic reader from Las Vegas working on a one-woman show.
(This comes from her work drawing from her own experience to show others how to produce waiver theatre in L.A. on a shoe string, a course which she taught for several years.) She is still considering mounting a production of a new play of Aram Saroyan's on Hollywood later this year at the Company of Angels.

Nathalie Neurette from Weller-Grossman also called to inform Pamela that the UFO's IN THE BIBLE segment that Pamela worked on last year will be shown on the History Channel on 1/28 at 9 PM. Pamela was one of the followers of Moses, and it was a fun shoot in Malibu Creek Park. Apparently, according to neighbors, Pamela's Power 90 Exercise promo is still running on cable in the L.A. area.
And her UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, "Suddenly Psychic," is on Lifetime.

So now much music she will be able to do will depend on how busy she ends up being ACTING. But she is looking hungrily at the Open Mics etc. up here in Ventura - and even an invitation to play at the Ventura Street Fairs. Not to mention the writing - dramatic and otherwise - that she has in mind to do. So 2003 won't suffer from a lack of activity. May we say the same to all of you who read this. A good, happy, healthy, prosperous year!

::: posted by pamela at 2:05 PM


Pamela Munro's various endeavors - artistic (drama, music, writing) and business (writing and teaching)

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